DISTRIBUTION BECOME OUR CUSTOMER Our distribution Are you interested in our beers? Contact us by clicking on one of the two categories: Wholesale / Retail / Export Cooperation with partners representing retail chains, distributors and importers is handled by Mr. Artur Jakubiak. Shop / HoReCa If you want to sell our beers at your place, search for the right person for Your region. EXTEND YOUR OFFER Find our representative Contact one of our representatives in the region / Choose a region Select a province podkarpackie podlaskie warmińsko-mazurskie pomorskie zachodnio-pomorskie lubuskie wielkopolskie kujawsko-pomorskie łódzkie dolnośląskie opolskie śląskie małopolskie świętokrzyskie mazowieckie lubelskie Commercial Director / Vice President Artur Jakubiak +48 534 644 622 artur.jakubiak@browardzikiwschod.pl Sales representative Michał Buda +48 533 244 522 michal.buda@wildeastbeers.pl Sales representative Piotr Wiesner +48 576 980 680 piotr.wiesner@browardzikiwschod.pl EXTEND YOUR OFFER Haven't found your region? Contact: Vice President of the Management Board Artur Jakubiak+48 535 644 622artur.jakubiak@dzikiwschod.pl